Friday, July 11, 2008

a little more time in the womb and you'll be infants!

hey kiddy kats
i'm in what seems to be the 90th computer lab so far,
i swear we go to a different one EVERY TIME.
justin is creating his own "superhero" which really just looks like cartoon porn.
you can even make a midget superhero. thats nice...appealing to all the people, big and fetus-size.

Me and juan are feeling pretty powerful these days, knowing that we're the only seniors in our group of friends. we're also the only 17 year olds,
so we've made it clear that we're way past the little baby PG-13 movies.

its R-rated time.
sorry fetuses.

max has decided to make his own superhero too.
aka. little cartoon porn star.

i sense a little asian tension between Juan and the asians. Justin wanted to "personalize" his page and Juan goes,
"Lemme give you an asian cookie too so you can feel more at home."


be back lata.

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