Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I think todays been the best day so far

Im got to meet many more people in my cluster and i thought they were really shy
but ooo i was wrong

The best part was hanging out with all of them, cluster 6 has some of the most random people ever its so fun tho

Hearing Justin speak spanish was very interesting
i dont think ill ever hear an asian speak spanish again so of course i had to take the time to record it
I also learned some chinese words wich i already forgot

Juan cracks me up
hes very straightforward wich can be good or bad depending on how you take it
i love it though he keeps me entertained

Elysses birthday was nice
the pizzookies were yummy

The bonfire was amazing
that was the first time i had ever made a smore and it was pretty difficult for me
we had a cake for Elyssee
anybody could have some but u had to take a picture with her
it was hilarious
we took so much random pictures

The most random thing i saw today
was a buff guy with the hugest pecks ive ever seen
well actually he didnt have any muscles on his arms at all
it was all in the chest area
it was pretty disguisting

Cosmolympics tomorrow
were gonna kick some butt

emm well nightt

A few notes from Adam

Hey Cluster 6, I've got a few things now that you've all started posting:

  • If you are going to use your name to sign your posts, go ahead and just use your first name and last initial. You can change your displayed name by clicking on the Blogger Dashboard up at the top of the page (when you are logged in), then clicking the Edit Profile link. There is an option there to change your display name. Don't worry, we'll still know who you are. :)
  • This is your blog, so if you want to change the layout or color scheme, let me know and I can help you with it. Decide amongst yourselves what you want it to look like, then go ahead and meet me in my office and we can work on it. Blogger has a number of ready-made templates, and although we can't get too complicated, if you have some html skill you might be able to turn it into something great!
  • If any of your classmates/roommates/friends haven't received their invites, please send them my way. Thanks!


ah, my muscles aren't crying at all. Frisbee is too not hardcore for me to be sore :)

Hmm, so after I posted yesterday, we had our free time and played ultimate frisbee for rec. It was really fun and close.
But for today, we had our usual classes again and spent a little over four thousand hours on the comptuer. Doing research and all that.

I got this solar color temperature project. It was my 13th choice out of my 13 choices, but I guess I'm just going to stick with it.

People are staring at me.
I'll write more later or something


Ok so this is later at night, and just back from the beach bonfire, which was much more fun than i thought it would be. Besides the super sandwiched bus, it was great. It's getting late, but it was exciting.

whoa guys,

i didnt know frisbee was so hardcore.
i saw you out there,

speaking of hardcore,
i saw three kids playing with a rubix cube during "free time."

enough said.

Cluster 6

Today we learn how Uranus is discovered and how they used Newton's Law to discover Neptune. Here is an explanation for you guy that don't understand

Historically, Uranus was a planet that was first discovered in 1690 by man named John Flamsteed who at the time did not realize it as a planet, but rather another star (he labeled it 34 Tauri). Thereafter, it was frequently observed but disregarded and ignored. However, on March 13, 1781, an astronomer named William Herschel discovered Uranus with his telescope while surveying the sky. Upon this event, he named it "the Georgium Sidus," meaning the Georgian Planet to honor his patron, King George III of England. Another name for this new found planet was "Herschel." Later on, the name Uranus was proposed to conform to the tradition of naming newly discovered planets after Roman mythological gods.

The name officially came into use in 1850. Much like the discovery of Pluto, the search for a planet beyond Uranus began when mathematical calculations indicated that the orbit of Uranus did not behave in the way according to Newton's Law. Thus, astronomers concluded that there had to be a planet beyond Uranus because of a distortion in the planet's orbit. They were correct. On September 23, 1846, Johann Gottfried Galle (of the Berlin Observatory) and Louis d'Arrest (student of astronomy) became the first two people to observe the planet Neptune. They were successful not because they searched the entire heavens randomly, but by basing their observations around the area that Neptune was predicted to be. Urbain Jean Adams and Joseph Le Verrier had calculated where Neptune would be based on observations of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. It was fortunate that Galle and d'Arrest had scanned the skies within a small time margin from which the predicted locations were made. Neptune departs from the predicted orbit rather quickly and the planet would not have been found if the two astronomers had procrastinated (you see what could happen if you do?). After Neptune was discovered, the English and French battled over the right to name the planet, but in the end, credit for discovery was given to both sides. the computer lab...again

this is just for you, dad.

So, I woke up this morning, late as per usual. me and my roomie are aware that it is SUMMER, human hibernation time.
oh man, this camp is already getting to me. using big words like hibernation?!!
so anyways, then i ate breakfast.
It brings a new meaning to breakFAST. like we eat FAST. i MADE a wafffle that says UCSD.

because my chest is bursting with school spirit.

you can thank the giant teddy bear made out of rocks for that.

oh YEAH. its my birfday. we're ordering giant Pizookies: one for me, two for the camp to share. and apparently having a bonfire tonight, so that should be hipsta.

okay so, i gotta do "research." aka. check my myspace.



The ultimate Frisbee yesterday was very fun. We had a huge game between to groups and it got pretty intense. One guy sacrificed his body for the team when he dove to catch the Frisbee on cement. There was a lot of smack talking going on which made it more fun. This morning I tried the pancakes. It was actually very delicious. Though I don't like eating dinner at 5:00pm it makes me eat more during breakfast. Today we had a lecture on Newton's laws which was very interesting except I was a little sleepy because of the ultimate Frisbee yesterday. I am looking forward to lunch and hope the bonfire tonight will be cool.


What day is it today? I believe July 9. Right now I am in a computer lab obviously typing up this blog. We just got done with an assignment about Waves and Stars that includes Kepler and Newton. It's pretty cool, but I want to do some hands on things right now. So far COSMOS is pretty fun. I made a whole load of friends *cheers* and it is pretty sweet. The food is great and UNLIMITED. MUWAHAHAHHAHAHA! The teachers and professors are really nice and helpful and I really respect that. They help with everything and do what they can to make sure we as students do a great job. My suite is the shizzle cause we is at 400 BLOCK which is BETTER ON TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike, our RA, is freaking ridiculous. I am really glad he is a RA. Our cluster RA's are really tight and cool too. This is really becoming a very fun and rewarding experience.

So anyways right now I am sitting down very sore and tired. I always thought Frisbee was kind of a joke game. Like how are you suppose to react to ------ Julio: "Mom I had a really big accident . . ." Mom: "What happened to you?!" Julio: "I broke my arm." Mom: "Doing what?! I need to check to see if everything is okay!!!!" Julio: ". . . Playing Frisbee . . ." Mom: " . . . " Mom: "You got to be kidding me. It's not funny to joke around like that. I was really worried. I hope you're having a good time, but I have to go now. Your sister is crying. Bye love you!" *CLICK* Yeah kind of weird right? But anywho frisbee is a very intense extreme game. We went crazy and were so competitive. Really good times. Well back to work! MMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!

4th day at cosmos

Walking for 30 min to get to a class tortures me but it's bearable.
lectures are mostly reviews, but it's going to get better.
Foods are ok, but i think i'm getting fat... : (

I'm so excited for the bonfire tonight!!!